Get access to 40+ step-by-step 15-minute video tutorials to help you achieve an overall firmer and youthful-looking face.
Practice side by side with Fumiko’s videos so that you can watch her perform the exercise while you can correct your poses.
Track your exercises and stay motivated and organized with the accompanying Face Yoga Method Calendar.
This new tool allows you to find bonuses, poses and more by typing in a keyword!
Capture, store, and view your Bootcamp progress photos with ease!!
"You have changed my life, my attitude, my future. I can never repay you.
I love your newsletter, so uplifting and encouraging. You and FYM are on my grateful list every night.”
"I have encountered breast cancer in 2004 & 2011 with chemo therapy on both times. My skin darkened and became dull. I am now obsessed with face yoga and I am pleased with my results."