If this is your first time buying an online program you could be feeling a bit skeptical and I don’t blame you. Every once in awhile I’ll get an email from a viewer saying how they are interested in starting a face yoga practice but the thought of buying an online program, as opposed to an actual, physical DVD, makes them uneasy.
I get it! It’s new, it’s virtual and you have to add in some pretty sensitive data online in order to make the purchase. Let’s nip that in the bud right now, shall we?
By default we wouldn’t be able to sell ANYTHING online without having an SSL Certificate (allows for a secure connection from web server to a browser), on top of that we are PCI DSS Compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) which is another level of security we were required to go through in order to use one of the TOP Payment Gateways online - Stripe. Which brings me to my last point, we’re not the ones processing the payments, we use three different companies that SPECIALIZE in secure payments. To qualify to work with them we had to be compliant with their rules and regulations. You are in good hands!
I gave this a lot of thought when I first started. I prepared a list with pros and cons and finally, as I was getting down to the last bullet points on my list it rapidly became more and more obvious that an online program was the best option, and here’s why:
* You can get started right away, you don’t need to wait for the actual DVD to get to your doorsteps,
* You don’t need to pay and worry about shipping fees and delivery,
* I have face yoga students all over the world and I would need multiple types of DVDs with the same content because each part of the world has different DVD Region Specifications
* I am able to update exercises and routines on the online program overnight and everyone has access to them, regardless if they bought today or a year ago
* You can watch the videos from anywhere in the world without having to carry a DVD and a DVD player (all you need is a computer, laptop, tablet or phone)
* You can collaborate online with other practitioners
* The online program has a Facebook support group where you can ask me anything
* You have access to all of the cool online features I had made for you, like marking an exercise as complete, progress bars, checking out the calendar and downloading the cheat sheets I’ve prepared for you